These are some of the common birds which can be seen in Mexico city. Infact most of these birds were photographed in CINVESTAV-IPN Zacatenco campus. I started to photograph birds after reading an article which said that “photographing birds depends more on your ability of going near to them than on your ability to buy long lenses¨. When I came to Mexico city I could  recognize none of the numerous birds that I saw everyday except the sparrows and pigeons, latter I came to know that in Mexico city itself more than four kinds of sparrows can be found. I came across a book called “Aves comunes de la Ciudad de Mexico” (the common birds of mexico city), and I am still using this to identify the birds but this is insufficient,as the book gives very short descriptions which are not always enough for a beginner like me to identify. I am on my way to procure a more authoritative reference. I would be happy to recieve comments, and happier if someone can correct my mistakes. All these pictures were taken by me with my sony DSC-H2, I have applied some post processing on most of the images. The names in the brackets are the spanish names.


Large tailed Grackle (Zanate).


The picture is that of a male. The female looks a bit pale and is smaller. They can be seen almost everywhere in mexico city in noisy flocks



Large tailed grackle


This is the female



Un-identified. Can you help?



Inca dove (Tortolita comun)



American Robin (Primavera Real)



Rufous Backed Robin (Primavera chivillo)


This looks very similar to the Americam Robin except that it has a rufous colored back where as in case of American robin it is gray.



Bronzed Cowbird (Tordo ojirrojo)

This is a male, the  female is smaller and pale.



House finchs (Gorrion Mexicano)

Both of these are females. The males are more colorful with red feathers on the neck and head. I have a male below. They can be seen almost every where in mexico city in big flocks, searching for food on ground.



House finch (Gorrion Mexicano)


This is a male. The red plumage on the neck and head is visible. The males are more restless and quite difficult to photograph, I am trying for a better shot.



Vermillion Flycatcher (Cardenalito)

This is a male. The males have brown (rathar black) wings and a red body, with a black band over the eyes. They are also commonly seen throughout the city.



Vermilion Flycathcher (Cardenalito)

This is the female, much less distinctive than the male. They have pinkish plumage on their bottom parts which is nor visibile in this picture.



Curve-Billed Thrasher (Cuitlacoche comun)



Brown Towhee (Pajara Vieja)



Bewicks Wren (Saltapared Tepetatero)


This is a small bird with a greyish to brownish body. The most distinctive feature being a white eyebrow which is not very clear in this photograph.



Blue Grosbeak (Picogordo Azul)

I am not quite sure about this. Probably this is a juvenile male.



Northern Shoveler (Pato cucharon)



Mexican Duck (Pato triguero)