Scenario-based Hydrodynamic Design Optimization of High Speed Planing Craft for Coastal Surveillance


In this paper, an optimization framework for the design of hard chine planing craft is presented. The proposed framework consists of a surface information retrieval module, a geometry manipulation module and an optimization module backed by standard naval architectural performance estimation tools. Total resistance comprising calm water resistance and added resistance in waves is minimized subject to constraints on displacement and stability requirements. Infeasibility Driven Evolutionary Algorithm (IDEA) is incorporated in the optimization module. A scenario-based hydrodynamic optimization problem using an example of United States Coast Guard (USCG) WPB-110ft vessel is presented in this work. The concepts presented in this paper is an extension of the works of [15] [16] where instead of only performing total resistance minimization of high speed planing craft at a single operational speed, a set of collective speed spanning over a predefined lifetime is illustrated. The proposed framework is capable of generating the optimum hull form while at the same time enabling a provision for ship designers to evaluate the candidate designs' performance over various operating scenarios.