A Self-Organizing Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm


Under mild conditions, the Pareto front (Pareto set) of a continuous m-objective optimization problem forms an (m - 1)-dimensional piecewise continuous manifold. Based on this property, this paper proposes a self-organizing multiobjective evolutionary algorithm. At each generation, a self-organizing mapping method with (m - 1) latent variables is applied to establish the neighborhood relationship among current solutions. A solution is only allowed to mate with its neighboring solutions to generate a new solution. To reduce the computational overhead, the self-organizing training step and the evolution step are conducted in an alternative manner. In other words, the self-organizing training is performed only one single step at each generation. The proposed algorithm has been applied to a number of test instances and compared with some state-of-the-art multiobjective evolutionary methods. The results have demonstrated its advantages over other approaches.