An Evolutionary Approach to Multi-Objective Optimization Problems
Multi-objective Optimization Problems (MOPs) are the processes of
exploiting solutions to satisfy a set of objectives. Difficulties
arise as there usually exist several objectives which are
incommensurable or competing against each other. In consequence,
for these problems there is no single optimal solution, but rather
a set of alternatives to which no other solutions are superior in
all the objectives simultaneously. These alternatives are known as
Pareto-optimal solutions. In recent years, an
ever-growing trend in solving MOPs is to exploit diversified and
comprehensive Pareto optima which can constitute
a complete knowledge base to meet various requirements. In such
applications, Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) have been widely adopted
as powerful tools because of their population-based search approach
and strong global optimization capability. This thesis focuses on
designing effective and efficient Evolutionary Algorithms for
Multi-objective Optimization Problems. Our efforts are
two-fold: (1) designing sequential Multi-Objective EAs with sound
theoretical basis, and (2) designing parallel Multi-Objective EAs
with strong scalability and speedup capability. The sequential
algorithms (Chapters 5 and 8) are designed with emphases on both
their Pareto optimization capability and, equally important, their
stability concerns. For this purpose, several techniques (say, the
annealing-like controller and Coverage Quotient) are contrived.
These techniques can one on hand enhance the algorithms' exploration
strength and on the other hand ensure their persistent performance.
In addition, on the basis of these techniques, a series of theories
are established, which rigorously prove the convergence properties
of these algorithms. The parallel algorithms (Chapters 6 and 7)
achieve strong scalability and speedup capability by their full
asynchronous collaboration strategies. In these algorithms, a
two-level asynchronous adjustment operation in conjunction with a
concise information exchange operation can provide precise and
flexible harmonization amongst a set of distributed sub-processes,
which in turn leads to superior scalability and speedup capability.
The proposed algorithms are compared with some state-of-the-art
Multi-Objective EAs on a variety of benchmark problems. The comparison
results show the success of our algorithms. Lastly, it should be
noted that despite originally designed for the multi-objective
optimization purpose, some techniques presented in this thesis (say,
the annealing-like controller and two-level adjustment operations)
are not limited to the MOP domain. Instead, they are general-purpose
operations which are applicable to other EA applications with minor
or even without modifications.