Funded Research
Research Grants
- Project Title: Esquemas de Selección Alternativos para Algoritmos
Evolutivos Multi-Objetivo (Alternative Selection Schemes for Multi-Objective
Evolutionary Algorithms)
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: CONACyT (Fronteras de la Ciencia 2016, Propuesta 1920)
Amount: $1,210,148 pesos (approx. $63,700 US dollars)
Period: 2018--2020
- Project Title: Nuevos Paradigmas Algorítmicos en Optimización
Evolutiva Multi-Objetivo (New Algorithmic Paradigms in Evolutionary Multi-Objective
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: CONACyT (Ref. 221551)
Period: 2014 -- 2017 (extended to January 2019)
Amount: $899,900 pesos (approx. $63,000 US dollars)
- Project Title: Mejorando Automáticamente el Proceso de
Búsqueda de Algoritmos Evolutivos con Multiobjetivo (Automatic
Improvement of the Search Process of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms)
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: CONACyT
Period: 2015 -- 2016
Amount: $87,200 pesos (approx. $6,200 US dollars)
Period: 2016 -- 2017
Amount: $86,000 pesos (approx. $5,700 US dollars)
- Project Title: Estrategias para la selección de componentes
de algoritmos bio-inspirados (Strategies for selecting components of
bio-inspired algorithms)
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: CONACyT (Ref. B330.261)
Period: 2011 -- 2012
Amount: $53,000 pesos (approx. 4015 US dollars)
Period: 2012 -- 2013
Amount: $55,000 pesos (approx. 4160 US dollars)
- Project Title: Escalabilidad y Nuevos Esquemas Híbridos
en Optimización Evolutiva Multiobjetivo (Scalability and
New Hybrid Schemes in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization)
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: CONACyT (Ref. 103570)
Period: 2009 -- 2012
Amount: $593,170 pesos (approx. $44,600 US dollars)
Note: CONCLUDED (All reports have been sent)
- Project Title: Development of efficient many-objective
optimization techniques with parallel computing and objective reduction
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: CONACyT (program Mexico-India) (Ref. J000.0378)
Period: 2009 -- 2010
Amount: $281,200 pesos (approx. $21,200 US dollars)
Period: 2010 -- 2011
Amount: $211,200 pesos (approx. $16,000 US dollars)
Note: CONCLUDED (All reports have been sent)
- Project Title: Técnicas Avanzadas
de Optimización Evolutiva Multiobjetivo
(Advanced Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: CONACyT (Ref. 45683)
Period: June 2005 -- December 2008 (period extended)
Amount: $656,327 pesos (approx. $60,000 US dollars)
Note: CONCLUDED (All reports have been sent)
- Project Title: Diseño de Algoritmos
Culturales Para Problemas de Optimización
Restringidos (Design of Cultural Algorithms for Constrained
Optimization Problems)
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: CONACyT (program Mexico-Chile) (Refs. J200.686/2004 and J110.331/2005)
Period: 2004 -- 2005
Amount: $12,375 pesos (approx. $1120 US dollars)
Period: 2005 -- 2006
Amount: $14,025 pesos (approx. $1275 US dollars)
Note: CONCLUDED (All reports have been sent)
- Project Title: Artificial Immune Systems for
Multiobjective Optimization
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: NSF-CONACyT (Ref. 42435-Y)
Period: January 2004 -- December 2006
Amount: $696,894 pesos (approx. $60,500 US dollars)
Note: CONCLUDED (All reports have been sent)
- Project Title: Nuevos Paradigmas en
Optimización Evolutiva Multiobjetivo
(New Paradigms in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization)
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: CONACyT (Ref. 34201-A)
Period: October 2000 -- June 2004 (period extended)
Amount: $429,456 pesos (approx. $43,000 US dollars)
Note: CONCLUDED (All reports have been sent)
- Project Title: Estudio y Desarrollo de Técnicas
Avanzadas de Manejo de Restricciones para Algoritmos
Evolutivos en el Contexto de Optimización Numérica
(Study and Development of Advanced Constraint-Handling
Techniques for Evolutionary Algorithms in the Context of
Numerical Optimization)
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: CONACyT (Ref. 32999-A)
Period: October 2000 -- April 2004 (period extended)
Amount: $465,212 pesos (approx. $47,000 US dollars)
Note: CONCLUDED (All reports have been sent)
- Project Title: Optimización Evolutiva Multiobjectivo
Aplicada al Diseño de Circuitos Combinatorios
(Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Applied to
the Design of Combinational Logic Circuits)
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: CINVESTAV-IPN (young researchers grant)
Period: April --- June 2004 (period extended)
Amount: $200,000 pesos (approx. $20,000 US dollars)
Note: CONCLUDED (All reports have been sent)
- Project Title: Técnicas Alternativas para el Manejo
de Restricciones usando Algoritmos Evolutivos
(Alternative Constraint-Handling Techniques used with
Evolutionary Algorithms)
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: CONACyT (I-29870 A)
Period: January --- December 1999
Amount: $100,000 pesos (approx. $10,000 US dollars)
Note: CONCLUDED (All reports have been sent)
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