Eventos del Centro de Investigación en Computación 5th International Conference on Control, Virtual Instrumentation, and Digital Systems Introduction The 5th International Conference on Control, Virtual Instrumentation, and Digital System's the premier forum for presentation of recent advances in all aspects of design and technology of vanguard. ˇˇˇˇ WE HAVE EXTENDED THE FULL PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE UNTIL JULY 5, 2004 !!!!!! Send the works to following email:caguilar@cic.ipn.mx The goals of this conference are to bring together researchers an open forum for discussion and analysis of technology topics. This Conference will be looking for contributions that will benefit the research, design and implementation of computer systems and their components. CICINDI provides an ideal environment for developers and researchers for discussing new practical and theoretical work covering Control, Instrumentation, Digital Systems, Signal Processing, Computer Architecture, Real Time Systems, Digital Design, Robotics, Tools and Methodologies, and Medical Applications. In addition, this year's CICINDI will be looking for contributions that will benefit applications in the petroleum industry, medicine, robotics, supercomputing, and others. This special issue's goal is to provide alternatives to assist the real problems that face in the industry. This year's conference will be held from September 7 to 10, 2004, in Mexico City, the major cultural center of Latin America and the very core of the Aztec Culture. Best regards Sergio Súarez Guerra General Chair of CICINDI 2004