Selected Topics in Cryptology- Part I (May-August 2009)

This web page is regarding only the first part of the course.

Instructor:  Dr. Debrup Chakraborty  (debrup(AT)

References:  1) Introduction to Modern Cryptology- Jonathan Katz and Yehuda Lindell
                                 2) Notes by M. Bellare and P. Rogaway (the links to the notes are in the schedule)

Classes:  Tuesday and Thursday  from 10:00-12:00

Grading Policies:   Two home works.

Home works:    home work 1

                                       home work 2



Schedule (tentative, we shall fill the details as we progress)

12th May

Introduction: Notion of security, informational theoretic vs. computational security.

Read chapter 1 of Katz’s book.

14th May

Pseudorandom functions and Pseudorandom Permutations

Notes by Rogaway and Bellare.

19th May.

Pseudorandom functions and Pseudorandom Permutations


21st May.

Symmetric encryption

Notes by Rogaway and Bellare.

26th May.

Symmetric Encryption


28th May

Symmetric Encryption

2nd June

Message authentication