Topics in Cryptology- Part III (May-August 2010)
This web page is regarding
only the first part of the course.
Instructor: Dr. Debrup Chakraborty (debrup(AT)
References: 1) Introduction to Modern Cryptology-
Jonathan Katz and Yehuda Lindell
2) Notes by M. Bellare and P. Rogaway (the links to the notes are in the schedule)
Classes: Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00-12:00
Home works: Home
work 1
15th July |
Introduction: Notion of security, informational theoretic
vs. computational security. |
1 and 2 of Katz’s book |
20th July |
Pseudorandom functions and Pseudorandom
Permutations |
Notes by Rogaway and Bellare. |
22nd July |
Pseudorandom functions and Pseudorandom
Permutations |
27th July. |
Symmetric encryption |
Notes by Rogaway and Bellare. |
29th July |
Symmetric Encryption |
3rd Aug |
5th Aug |
10th Aug |
No class (LatinCrypt 2010) |
12th Aug |
17th Aug |