Cryptology 2012

Instructor: Debrup Chakraborty (debrup(AT)

References :  [KL]  Introduction to Modern Cryptography by Jonathan Katz and Yehuda Lindell
                         [ST]   Cryptography: Theory and Practice, by Doughlas R. Stinson
                         [MOV] Handbook of Applied Cryptography, by A. Menezes, P. van Oorschot and S. Vanstone. (Available online for free)

Classes:  Mondays and Wednesdays 10:00 to 12:00

Grading: 40% on homeworks, 40% on tests and 20% on a project.

Homeworks: Homework 2 (due 5th March)
                          Homework 3 (due 2nd April)

Tentative Schedule (details to be filled up as we proceed)

  1. 23rd Jan    Introduction

  2. 25th Jan    Perfect Secrecy: Definition of perfect secrecy, variants of the definition. One time pad. Shannon's Theorem.
                     (Read [KL] Chapter 2)
  3. 30th Jan    Block Ciphers: Definition of block ciphers, the paradigm of substitution permutation networks. Description of the data encryption standard.
                      (Read [ST] Chapter 3)

  4. 1st  Feb    Block Ciphers: Description of the advanced encryption standard.
    Read [ST] Chapter 3)

  5. 6th  Feb    No Class

  6. 8th  Feb    Block Ciphers: Key recovery attacks on block ciphers.
    notes by Phil Rogaway

  7. 10th Feb   Block Ciphers: Issues in hardware implementations of the AES. Lectured by Cuauhtemoc Mancillas Lopez.

  8. 13th Feb    Block Ciphers: Issues in software implementations of the AES. Lectured by Nallely Trejo.

  9. 15th Feb    Pseudorandom Functions/Permutations
    notes by Phil Rogaway

  10. 20th Feb     Pseudorandom Functions/Permutations

  11. 22nd Feb    Symmetric Encryption and Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CBC and CTR modes of operations with variants.
                       The IND-CPA notion of security.
                       notes by Phil Rogaway

  12. 29th Feb    Symmetric Encryption and Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The proof of security of CTR mode.

  13. 2nd Mar     Cryptographic Hash functions: Preimage resistance, Second preimage resistance and collision resistance. The random oracle
                      model. Generic algoritms for finding preimage, second preimage and collisions in the random oracle model. Relation between the notions of
    Preimage resistance, Second preimage resistance and collision resistance.
                       Read [ST] Chapter 4
  14. 05th Mar    Cryptographic Hash functions: Iterated hash functions. Constructing hash functions from a given compression function,
                      the Merkle-Damgard construction .
                      Read [ST] Chapter 4  
  15. 07th Mar    Message Authentication: The problem of message authentication, Keyed hash families, Almost universal and Almost Xor universal
                       hash functions, polynomial hashes and the Wegman Carter paradigm of MACs.

  16. 12th Mar    Message authentication: Extending the domain of a pseudorandom function using a AU hash function.
                       Block cipher based message authentication codes: CBC MAC, CMAC, PMAC

  17. 14th Mar    Authenticated Encryption: Generic composition. Security of AE. AEAD schemes. The GCM mode, the OCB mode
                       Additional reading: Introductory article by John Black, The GCM mode, The OCB2 mode
  18. 19th Mar    No class
  19. 21st Mar    Test 1   
  20. 26th Mar    Number theoretic  preliminaries
  21. 28th Mar    Public Key Cryptography: RSA, Elgamal
  22. 02nd Apr    No Class
  23. 04th Apr    No Class
  24. 09th Apr    Public Key Cryptography: RSA, ElGamal
  25. 11th Apr    Signature Schemes
  26. 16th Apr    Elliptic Curves
  27. 18th Apr    Elliptic Curves
  28. 23rd Apr    Review
  29. 25th Apr    Test 2