Design and
Analysis of Algorithms (Sep-Dec 2013)
Dr. Debrup Chakraborty (debrup(AT)
1) Algorithms,
by S. Dasgupta, C.H.
Papadimitriou, and U.V. Vazirani
the course)
2) Introduction to Algorithms , Cormen,
Leiserson, Rivest,
Stein (CLRS)
3) Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Aho, Hopcroft
and Ullman
Monday and Wednesday from 10:00-12:00
50% on home-works
on periodical quizes
on tests
Home work 1
Home work 2
Home work 3
Home work 4
Home work 5
Hand out 1 (Solving linear
homogeneous recurrence with constant coefficients)
Hand out 2 (Equivalence relations)
Hand out 3 (Functions)
Tentative schedule:
01. Sep 02. Introduction: Algorithms for
finding the nth Fibonacci number.
02. Sep 04. Asymptotic Growth of Functions: The insertion
sort; O, Theta, Omega notations
03. Sep 06. Algorithms with numbers: Algorithms to add
subtract multiply and divide
04. Sep 09. Algorithms with numbers: Modular
arithmetic, equivalence relations, equivalence classes, modular
Sep 10. No class: I would be
out of town
Sep 16. No class:
Independence day
05. Sep 20. Algorithms with numbers: Finding GCDs,
multiplicative inverse, Eulers Phi function
06. Sep 23. Algorithms with numbers: Introduction to
Groups: Lagrange theorem, Eulers Theorem, Fermat's little theorem.
Introduction to randomized algorithms
07. Sep 25. Algorithms with numbers: Primality
testing algorithms: Fermats test and Miller Rabin test.
08. Sep 27. Algorithms with numbers:RSA crypto
system, Universal hashing
09. Sep 30. Divide and Conquer Algorithms: Merge sort,
Karatsuba multiplication, Solving divide and conquer recurrences
Oct 02. No class CCE conference
10. Oct 07. Divide and Conquer Algorithms:
Strassen's matrix multiplication, Counting inversions, Quicksort
11. Oct 09. Divide and Conquer
Algorithms: Review of random variables and expectations.
Expected running time of an algorithm. Analysis of Quicksort
12. Oct 14.
Heap sort: Heap sort and analysis.
Heap as a priority queue
13. Oct 16: Lower bound on comparison based sorting; linear
time sorting algorithms: Counting Sort and Bucket Sort
14. Oct 18: Revision, discussion on homework problems.
15. Oct 21. Test 1
16. Oct 23. Divide and Conquer: The median
finding problem
17. Oct 28. No class
18. Oct 30. Divide and Conquer: Polynomial
multiplication and the fast fourier transform
19. Nov 04. Graph Algorithms: Introduction to graphs, the
breadth first search
20. Nov 06. Graph Algorithms: Depth first search and
21. Nov 11. Graph Algorithms: Topological Sorting, Strongly
connected components
22. Nov 13. Graph Algorithms: Shortest paths in
graphs, Dijkstra's algorithm
23. Nov 13. Graph Algorithms: Bellman Ford
algorithm, Currency arbitraje, solving system of difference
Nov 18. No
class: Revolution day
24. Nov 20. Dynamic Programing:
25. Nov 22. Dynamic Programing:
26. Nov 25. NP Completeness:
27. Nov 27. NP Completeness:
28. Dec 02. Revision
29. Dec 04. Test 2
30. Dec 06. Closing