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Main facts

Proposition 3.1 (Necessity [3])   If an AS ${\cal V}$ is m-ideal for some m, then there is connected matroid ${\cal M}$ appropriate for ${\cal V}$.

The reciprocal requires an extra assumption: 

Proposition 3.2 (Sufficiency [3])   Let q=pm be a prime power and let ${\cal V}$ be an AS. Suppose there is connected matroid ${\cal M}$ appropriate for ${\cal V}$.

If ${\cal M}$ is representable, then ${\cal V}$ is q-ideal.

Indeed, there is a beautiful characterization of universal-ideality:
 Proposition 3.3 ([1])   An AS ${\cal V}$ is universally-ideal if and only if ${\cal V}$ is 2-ideal and 3-ideal.

Open problem

If there is a connected matroid ${\cal M}$ appropriate for an AS which is not representable over the field $\mbox{\it GF}(q)$, decide whether the AS is q-ideal.

Regarding graphs, G=(V,E) let ${\cal V}(G)$ be the collection of sets that include at least one edge:

\begin{displaymath}V_0\in {\cal V}(G)\ \Leftrightarrow\ \exists \{u,v\}\in E:\ \{u,v\}\subset V_0.\end{displaymath}

Then the following conditions are pairwise equivalent:

G=(V,E) is a multipartite graph, i.e. there is a partition $\left[V_k\right]_k$ of V such that
\begin{displaymath}\{u,v\}\in E\ \Leftrightarrow\ \exists k_1,k_2: k_1\not= k_2\;\&\; u\in V_{k_1}\;\&\; v\in V_{k_2}.\end{displaymath}
${\cal V}(G)$ is I-ideal.
$\mathop{\rm Max}_{\cal E,p}\rho_{\cal E}(p>\frac{2}{3}$.
${\cal V}(G)$ has an appropriate representable matroid.


Inmediately a procedure to build a SSS follows:

Given a set of participants V and a collection ${\cal V}\subset {\cal P}(V)$,
decide whether ${\cal V}$ has an appropriate matroid ${\cal M}$,
if ${\cal M}$ is representable, then construct the corresponding SSS according to Shamir's procedure.

We are building an experimentation computational system to deal with the following problems:

Representation of matroids.
Random selection of a matroid over the whole possibilities to pick a matroid over a ground set of n participants.
Given a collection ${\cal V}\in {\cal P}({\cal P}([\![1,n]\!]))$ whose elements are of the same cardinality, say k, decide whether there is a matroid of rank k whose bases are the elements in ${\cal V}$.
Decide whether a matroid is representable over a finite field.
Specify a general procedure to build an ideal SSS provided a representable matroid.

Next:ImplementaciónUp:Computational experiments on thePrevious:Basic definitions
Guillermo Morales-Luna
