Go game is two-player, black-stones versus white-stones gamed, zero-sum, deterministic and perfect information. Official board (goban) of Go is a 19 x 19 grid shaped. By turn each player places one black/white stone on one empty intersection or point of the board; black plays first and white receives a compensation, komi, by playing the second turn. The Go gaming's goal is to control as large board area as possible, by means of simple tactics but combined in very complex strategies. A Go game ends when both player pass the turn; and, wins who has the most territory control.
Computer Go: Formal analysis of Go is in the core of computer science, likewise the Chess analysis was during the 20th century. Go is a highly complex game and, this XXI century, the deploy of learning algorithms for Go gaming has been a central challenge for computational intelligence. 2017 AlphaGo computer is skillful enough to beat the top human Go masters.The computer Go gaming complexity is measured by the game tree size and the state space, see a comparative analysis in Table 1.
Material for simulations P1