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Figure: T18 is an intermediate in the disintegration of the edge of the superluminal (7 right in 6 generations), appearing to form a boundary layer which moves 14 right every 36 generations, something consistent with the periodicity of the lattice.
\put(0,0){\epsfysize =380pt \epsffile{t18.eps}}

Figure: T18 is an intermediate in the disintegration of the edge of the superluminal lattice (shift seven in six generations).
\put(0,0){\epsfysize =400pt \epsffile{t18bdry.eps}}

Figure: T18 can be formed by the triple collision of D1, EBar, and a B triad. The difference in the way D1 and D2 mesh with the ether leaves space for an extra cell in the top margin of the T18 compared to the T17.
\put(0,0){\epsfysize =380pt \epsffile{pret18b.eps}}

Jose Manuel Gomez Soto 2002-05-15