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The header file for the part of GEOM written in Objective C is essentially copied from the NeXT demonstration application PlotView, and is used mostly by the Interface Builder. It contains a list of objects as id's, plus prototypes for all the methods involved. The PlotView class was renamed GeomView, and still retains all those methods to read the mouse cursor, draw the screen, and so on.

 * GeomView.h -- Interface file for the GeomView class 
 * You may freely copy, distribute, and reuse the code in this example.
 * NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, as to its
 * fitness for any particular use.

#import <appkit/View.h>
#import <appkit/NXCType.h>
// #import <IBViewCache.m>

@interface GeomView:View

	id		euRot;
	id		cosRot;
	id		angRot;
	id		axisButton;
	id		demoMenu;
	id		dimerButton;
	id		frData;
	id		frPanel;
	id		goButton;
	id		gridData;
	id		gridMenu;
	id		gridPanel;
	id		leftAngles;
	id		leftCenter;
	id		leftEuler;
	id		leftRadius;
	id		orientButton;
	id		paramButton;
	id		primiMenu;
	id		quadDiagon;
	id		quadEigenv;
	id		quadMatrix;
	id		quadPanel;
	id		radiusSlider;
	id		rightAngles;
	id		rightCenter;
	id		rightEuler;
	id		rightRadius;
	id		rimButton;
	id		rotateDimer;
	id		showAtoms;
	id		showAxes;
	id		showBonds;
	id		showNuclei;
	id		sphereMenu;
	id		spiralData;
	id		spImButton;
	id		traceMenu;
	id		angleParameters;
	id		spPanel;
	id		liPanel;
	id		lissaData;
	id		laloData;
	id		euPanel;
	id		pushMe;

	id		delegate;
	id		points;
	id		crossCursor;
	id		readOut;
	float		radius;
	BOOL		needsClearing;

- dismissPanels:sender;
- dLize:header;
- prepSpiral:sender;
- prepGrid:sender;
- prepLissa:sender;
- printSphere:sender;
- printUnisphere:sender;
- printDisphere:sender;
- printSpIm:sender;
- pushIt:sender;
- qMom:sender;
- readAngleAxis:(double *)a:(double *)aa;
- readEulerAngles:sender;
- readParameters:sender;
- rotateDimerB:sender;
- rotateDimerF:sender;
- rotateDimerN:sender;
- rotateMolecule:sender;
- setLighting:sender;
- setParameters:sender;
- setRotation:sender;
- showSphere:sender;
- showShadows:sender;
- showDisphere:sender;
- showAxSphere:sender;
- showEuSphere:sender;
- showUnisphere:sender;

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect;
- setDelegate:anObject;
- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount;
- sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height;
- clear:sender;
- Geom:sender;
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent;
- registerPoint:(NXPoint *)aPoint;
- setRadius:(float)aFloat;
- (float)radius;
- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
- awake;
- (const char *)inspectorName;

@interface Object(PlotViewDelegate)
- PlotView:sender providePoints:(NXStream **)stream;
- PlotView:sender pointDidChange:(NXPoint *)aPoint;

Pedro Hernandez 2004-05-13