Next: References
Up: Julia Curves, Mandelbrot Set
Previous: Scaling
- why are the critical points so important for the theory?
- develop a program to display the Julia curves in more detail.
- include an option in the program to explore the Mandelbrot set.
- for some ranges of c the contours shown in Figure 6 pinch off
and become separated. Is there any particular significance to this
phenomenon, or of the region in the Mandelbrot set in which it does not
- the curves in Figures 8 and 9 represent only part of the theme
developed in the reference to Jensen, Kadanoff and Procaccia. Modify
the program to calculate the ratios of the peripheral chords according
to this article; investigate the validity of the correlations implied
by their two stage de Bruijn matrix.
- quadratic iterations give a comprehensive introduction to the
general theory, but further varieties of designs can be obtained by
varying the iteration equations.
- the diagram of fixed points as a function of
for real
iterations would be much more informative if relative frequencies were
shown in the chaotic bands, which can be done nicely by coloring the
- the windows between bands of the
vs fixed-point curves
correspond to the nodules surrounding the Mandelbrot set. Examining
both diagrams at greater magnification should reveal details of this
- fixed points of the higher iterates correspond to cycles of
doubled period, but this is no longer true once the chaotic region has
been reached. Look up some of the literature concerning possible
periods and how to determine them.
- modify the program to follow iterates of points from various
regions of the complex plane and designated parameters from the
Mandelbrot set. What limitations on the trajectory are implied by the
finiteness of the fixed point representation, and thus on the details
which the program can explore?
- use the contour program in <PLOT> to build up the
Mandelbrot set by finding where iterates of z2-c have unit
Next: References
Up: Julia Curves, Mandelbrot Set
Previous: Scaling