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(Figure 4) - Lines are edited by essentially the same
procedures that the rules are, but the long line of 320 cells is broken down
into 8 lines 40 cells, to make movement across the line using the up and down
arrows more rapid. , which corresponds to one of the simplest automata
for which rules may be designed to order, has many additional line editing
options, all experimental, which can be used to facilitate the design.
No doubt more will be added before the existence of all of them is officially
- 0,1,2,3, ... - enter state
- MOD - move cursor downward
- MOU - move cursor upward
- MOR - move cursor forward
- MOL - move cursor backward
- < - move cursor to left margin
- > - move cursor to right margin
- z - clear single row
- Z - clear full array
- ^ - repeat the line just above the cursor's line
- x - unmark transitions
- q - clean up the area
- = - insert transition
- + - set marker for transition in auxrule
- - - remove marker for transition from auxrule
- * - insert transitions for the whole line
- . - point evolution
- ? - evolution of the whole line
- / - conditional evolution
- c - test consistency everywhere
- C - test consistency for marked neighborhoods
- m - try to match a given evolution
Harold V. McIntosh