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The REC menu for PROBKR

The menu of REC operators, predicates, and control symbols is defined within the header file RECTBL.H; it is similar to the keyboard menu except for being more concise, and including the REC control characters.

     " space                           " 
     "! - counter in form !n!          " 
     "@ - Subroutine                   " 
     "# - Integer parameter            " 
     "$ - Double parameter             " 
     "% - 10%  T predicate             " 
     "& - 50%  T predicate             " 
     "'                                " 
     "( start of expression            " 
     ") end of expression              " 
     ": - repeat the subexpression     " 
     "; - exit subexprn with value T   " 
     "@x - call the subroutine x       " 
     "A - strip of 3 plane sections    " 
     "B - define cell density (mils)   " 
     "E - show one plane section       " 
     "G - point of return map in color " 
     "K - contours of rand-totl match  " 
     "O - select dimension of automaton" 
     "Q - generate cubical checkerboard" 
     "R - empirical mean field w/delay " 
     "T - #n# T for totalistic rule n  " 
     "[ - start of comment             " 
     "] - end of comment               " 
     "_ - panic exit                   " 
     "a - a-priori probabilities       " 
     "b - create random line (pl mils) " 
     "d - insert diagonal in graph     " 
     "f - place frame around graph     " 
     "g - one point of return map      " 
     "i - iterate 2d gen mean f. curve " 
     "k - keyboard interrupt request   " 
     "n - totalistic sum frequencies   ",
     "o - degree of randomness (nbrhd) " 
     "p - show cell density in panel B " 
     "t - contour of s.c. 2-block freq " 
     "x - show nth gen mean field curve" 
     "z - clear one of the panels      " 
     "{ - start of program             " 
     "} - end of program               " 
     "~ - show parameter panel         "

Harold V. McIntosh