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- 1
John von Neumann, Theory of Self-reproducing Automata (edited and
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- 2
Edward F. Moore, ``Machine models of self reproduction,'' American
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- 3
Arthur W. Burks (editor), Essays on Cellular Automata, University of
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- 4
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- 5
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- 6
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- 7
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- 8
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- 9
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- 10
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- 11
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- 12
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- 13
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- 14
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- 16
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- 17
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- 18
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- 19
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- 20
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- 21
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- 22
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- 23
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- 24
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- 25
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- 26
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- 27
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- 28
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- 29
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- 30
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- 31
William Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its
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- 32
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- 33
I. S. Berezin and N. P. Zhidkov, Computing Methods, volume 1,
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- 34
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- 35
Michel Dubois-Violette and Alain Rouet, ``A Mathematical Classification
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- 36
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- 37
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- 38
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- 39
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- 40
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- 41
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- 42
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- 43
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- 44
Karel Culick II, Jan Pachl, and Sheng Yu, ``On the Limit Sets of
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- 45
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- 46
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- 47
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- 48
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Harold V. McIntosh