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For example, F. R. Gantmacher, The Theory of Matrices, Chelsea Publishing Company, New York, 1959.

1) Harold V. McIntosh, Linear Cellular Automata via de Bruijn diagrams (May, 1991), and 2) Harold V. McIntosh, Reversible Cellular Automata (January, 1991).

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It was later concluded that the three basins, with a typical growth rate of 1.100, were also in good agreement

Ambiguous case when one of the standard deviations is zero.

Robert L. Hemminger and Lowell W. Beinecke, ``Line graphs and line digraphs'', appearing in Selected Topics in Graph Theory edited by Lowell W. Beinecke and Robin J. Wilson, published by Academic Press in 1978.

Harold V. McIntosh