Working Papers


[Feb, 2006]
¿Es adecuada la fuente de información disponible para los estudiantes de computación y áreas afines en México?
Genado Juárez Martínez
Ulises Vélez Saldaña
[ pdf (140 KB)]

[Feb, 2006]
Computation of Explicit Preimages in One-Dimensional Cellular Automata Applying the De Bruijn Diagram.
José Manuel Gómez Soto
[abstract] [pdf]


[Jul, 2005]
Phenomenology of glider collisions in cellular automaton Rule 54 and associated logical gates.
Journal Chaos, Solitons & Fractal
Genaro Juárez Martínez.
Andrew Adamatzky.
Harold V. McIntosh.
Accepted 6 May 2005


[Ago, 2004]
Gliders in Rule 110.
International Journal of Unconventional Computing: Non-Classical Computation and Cellular Automata
Genaro Juárez Martínez.
Harold V. McIntosh.
Juan Carlos Seck Tuoh Mora.
Accepted November 2004 (by publish 2005)


[Sep, 2003]
Production of gliders by collisions in Rule 110.
Advances in Artificial Life
Proceedings 7th European Conference, ECAL 2003, Dortmund, Germany
Serie: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Subseries: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2801
ISBN 3-540-20057-6
[ Poster -EPS format- (1.3 MB)]
Genaro Juárez Martínez.
Harold V. McIntosh.
Juan Carlos Seck Tuho Mora


[Jul 11, 2002]
Un camino para construir configuraciones complejas en la regla 110.
Genaro Juárez Martínez.
[abstract] [html] [ pdf (4.1 MB )]

[Feb 1, 2002]
Transitive behaviour in reversible one-dimensional cellular automata with a Welch index 1.
(This paper will be published by International Journal of Modern Physics C)
Juan Carlos Seck Tuoh Mora.
[abstract] [ pdf (395 KB)]


[Dec 4, 2001]
Gliders en autómatas celulares de una dimensión
Genaro Juárez Martínez.
[abstract] [html] [ pdf (245 KB)]

[Oct 23, 2001]
Márgenes periódicos en la regla 110 con correspondencia biyectiva en estructuras periódicas que definen puntos de contacto y velocidad máxima.
Genaro Juárez Martínez.
[abstract] [html] [ pdf (266 KB)]

[May 24, 2001]
Autómatas celulares en tres dimensiones similares a The Game of Life clasificados con la teoría del campo promedio y polinomios de Bernstein
Genaro Juárez Martínez.
[abstract] [html] [ pdf (368 KB)]
