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still life, width 3

Width 3 presents certain peculiar features due to a number theoretic property of Life 's rule of evolution. On a torus, the still lifes are those configurations which contain exactly four live cells. If the central cell is live, it has three live neighbors and thus survives; otherwise the four live neighbors prevent a live cell from forming and again the arrangement is stable.

For a torus, the same principle applies, but the arrangement of the live cells in a cross section can vary as one moves along the long dimension of the torus. A constant sum of 4 can be realized in the forms 3 + 1 + 0, 2 + 2 + 0, and 2 + 1 + 1, and their permutations.

There is no way of breaking out of the sequence 2 + 1 + 1, but the presence of zeroes in the other two allows them to terminate in quiescent regions. Moreover, the sequence can be judiciously interspersed in the latter two sequences to produce still further variation.



Harold V. McIntosh