Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.



# Project reports due on August 17

# Home work 4, due on August 9, 2006 before 4:00 PM

# Home work  3, due on August 2, 2006 before 4:00 PM

# Home work 2, due on July 12, 2006 before 4:00 PM

#  You can find some projet ideas here.  Finalize your project within June, 23.

#  No class on Friday, 9th June.

# Home work 1, due on June 21, 2006 before 4:00 PM

# Course to begin on the week starting at 22nd May, 2006 (2 weeks later than the usual schedule)

Debrup Chakraborty ( EMail: debrup(at)


Lecture Timings:





1600 hrs to 1800 hrs


1600 hrs to 1800 hrs



This course do not really have any prerequisites. Knowledge of basic probability theory and linear algebra would be useful. All maths involved will be discussed in class.

Course Contents (Tentative)

This course will cover fundamental theory and techniques involved in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. We also intend to cover some recent research topics. The following broad categories will be covered:

1) Introduction to Pattern Recognition and Learning Systems
2) Regression
2) Bayesian Learning
3) Non-parametric methods
4) Linear Discriminants and Support Vector Machines
5) Neural Networks
6) Decision Trees
7) Feature selection
8) Model selection
9) Introduction to learning theory
10) Unsupervised learning methods
11) Online active and reinforcement learning

Books and References


1)  Machine Learning, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 1997
2)   Pattern Classification, Duda Hart and Stork, Wiley 2000
3)  Introduction to Neural Networks, Simon Haykin, Prentice Hall, 1998


Relevant papers from current journals (to be announced later)

Other related course websites:

1) Andrew Ng's  machine learning course
2) Pabitra Mitra's
machine learning and knowledge discovery course.





Class 1: May, 24


slides (in ppt)


Class 2: May, 26


slides (in pdf),

Prof. A. Ng´s notes

Class 3: May, 31

Bayesian Learning

slides (in pdf)


Class 4:  June, 2

Bayesian Learning

slides (in pdf)


Class 5: June, 6

Nonparametric Methods

(slides in ppt)


Class 6: June, 14

Neural Networks

slides in ppt


Class 7: June, 16

Neural Networks



Class 8: June, 21

Fuzzy Sets in Pattern Recognition

Slides (in ppt)

Homework 1 due

Class 9: June 23

Fuzzy Sets in Pattern Recognition

A paper on NF classification

Projects to be finalized

Class 10: June 28

Support Vector Machines

Prof Ng’s notes


Class 11: June 30

Support Vector Machines

Burges Tutorial


Class 12: July 7

Support Vector Machines



Class 13: July 12

Mid term review


Homework 2, due

Class 14: July 14

Test 1



Class 15: July 19

Principal Component Analysis 

Slides (in pdf)

Prof  Ng´s notes

Class 16: July 21

Feature & Model Selection



Class 17:  July 26

Project review



Class 18: July 28

Learning Theory


Prof Ng´s notes

Class 29: Aug 2

Learning Theory


Homework 3, due

Class 20:  Aug 4

No class



Class 21:  Aug 9

Selected Topics (to be decided)


Homework 4, due

Class 22:  Aug 11




Class 23: Aug 16

Test 2



Class 24: Aug 18

Project Presentations