Anterior: Propiedades
- 1
- Aho, Ullman: Foundations of computer science, W. H. Freeman & Co., 1992
- 2
- Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman: The design and analysis of computer algorithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA., 1974
- 3
- Anderson, Turing et al: Mentes y máquinas, en la colección Problemas científicos y filosóficos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1970
- 4
- Arbib, Kfoury, Moll: A basis for theoretical computer science, Springer-Verlag, 1981
- 5
- Balcázar. Díaz, Gabarró: Structural complexity I, Springer-Verlag, 1988
- 6
- Barwise: Handbook of mathematical logic, North-Holland, 1977
- 7
- Chaitin: Algorithmic information theory, Cambridge University Press, 1987
- 8
- Cutland: Computability: An introduction to recursive function theory, Cambridge University Press, 1980
- 9
- Davis: Computability and unsolvability, Mc-Graw Hill, 1958
- 10
- Davis: The undecidable, Raven Press, 1965
- 11
- Epstein: Degrees of unsolvability: Structure and theory, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci. Nr. 759, Springer-Verlag, 1979
- 12
- Garey, Johnson: Computers and intractability: A guide to the theory of NP-completeness, Freeman, 1979
- 13
- Grzegorczyk: Some classes of recursive functions, Rosprawy matematyczne Nr. 4, IMPAN, 1953
- 14
- Hermes: Aufzählbarkeit, Entscheidbarkeit, Berechenbarkeit, Springer-Verlag, 1965 (English translation: Enumerability, decidability and computability, Springer-Verlag, 1969)
- 15
- Hinman: Recursion-theoretic hierarchies, Springer-Verlag, 1978
- 16
- Hofstadter: Gödel, Escher, Bach: An eternal golden braid, Vintage Books, 1980
- 17
- Hopcroft, Ullman: Introduction to automata theory, languages and computation, Addison-Wesley, 1979
- 18
- Johnson: A catalog of complexity classes, in [35].
- 19
- Johnson: The NP-completeness column: an ongoing guide, serie de artículos publicados periódicamente en Journal of Algorithms, de 1981 a 1988.
- 20
- Kalmár: An argument against the plaussibility of Church's thesis, in Heyting (ed.) Constructivity in matematics: Proceedings of the colloquium held in Amsterdam, 1957, North-Holland, 1959
- 21
- Kfoury, Moll, Arbib: A programming approach to computability, Springer-Verlag, 1982
- 22
- Kleene: Introducción a la metamatemática, Col. Estructura y Función, Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, 1974
- 23
- Lewis, Papadimitiou: Elements of the theory of computation, Prentice Hall, 1981
- 24
- Malc'ev: Algorithms and recursive functions, Wolters-Noordhoff Publishing Co, 1970
- 25
- Machtey, Young: An introduction to the general theory of algorithms, North-Holland, 1978
- 26
- Papadimitiou, Steiglitz: Combinatorial optimization: Algorithms and complexity, Prentice-Hall, 1982
- 27
- Penrose: The emperor's new mind: Concerning computers, minds and the laws of physics, Oxford University Press, 1989
- 28
- Rogers: Theory of recursive functions and effective computability, McGraw-Hill, 1967
- 29
- Rosenblueth: Mente y cerebro: Una filosofía de la ciencia, Siglo XXI, 1970
- 30
- Savage: The complexity of computing, Wiley, 1976
- 31
- Salomaa: Formal languages, Academic Press, 1973
- 32
- Shanon, McCarthy (ed's): Automata studies, Princeton University Press, 1956
- 33
- Shoenfield: Degrees of unsolvability, North-Holland, 1971
- 34
- Soare: Recursively enumerable sets and degrees of unsolvability, Springer-Verlag, 1987
- 35
- van Leeuwen (ed.): Handbook of theoretical computer science, North-Holland, 1990
- 36
- Yasuhara: Recursive function theory and logic, Academic Press, 1990
Guillermo Morales-Luna