Next: List of Tables
Up: Rule 110 as it Relates
Previous: Contents
- A sample of evolution according to Rule 110.
- Rules nearby Rule 110
- A (2,2) glider rule
- A (4,1/2) glider rule
- treeb
- treea
- Tile format
- The plane tiled by T1 triangles.
- The plane tiled by T2 triangles
- T3 tiling
- T3 hexes
- squished
- Glider map
- T4 Tiling
- T5 Tiling
- allt5
- T6 Tiling
- T6 mosaic
- Left shifting
- Periodic configurations
- Right shifting
- to1in6
- to1in8
- evolution of T23
- evolution of T26
- Subset diagram
- plaid
- Mean field curves
- Two-block contours
- decay1
- t18bdr5
- The 2/5 tiles
- Some 2/5 gliders
- Three alpha species
- alfethiface
- Two 4/6 tiles
- First 4/6 species background
- Second 4/6 species background
- four every six
- one every six
- left 1/6 second
- left 1/6 first
- generic 1/6
- T1 based gliders
- thin A's
- thick A's
- De Bruijn diagram for A-gliders
- De Bruijn diagram for (4,6)-gliders
- T1 based B gliders
- De Bruijn diagram for B-gliders
- tiling diagram for B-bar-gliders
- varied BBars
- C gliders
- C sequence
- De Bruijn diagram for C-gliders
- D gliders
- Two D variants
- E gliders
- Ebar glider
- F Glider
- G gliders
- extension of G-gliders
- H glider
- Glider gun
- A's and B's colliding with C's
- A and B collide, vanish
- A and C collide, leave C
- A and C collide, leave F
- A and D2 collide to make D1
- A and D collide to make C2
- A and E collide
- A and E2 collide
- A and E3 collide
- A and E4 collide
- AEBarmeet
- A tetrad and EBar collide producing C2
- AFmeet
- A and F collide producing EBar
- A tetrad and F collide producing C3 or D
- A pentad and F collide producing C3 or D
- AGmeet
- B and C collide, leave C, D or E
- BB and C collide, leave D or E
- BBB and C collide, leave E's or EBar,A
- B and D1 collide, leave E
- B and D2 collide, leave EBar and A
- AFmeet
- nB's and D1 collide
- E swatch
- B and EBar collide
- B and F collisions
- B and G collide
- Table where C collides with E, EBar, F
- C - En collisions
- C collides with E23
- C2 collides with E
- En eats C3
- EBar can pass C2
- C - F alignment
- C1 collides with F
- G approaches C
- C - G collision tables
- EBar collides with F
- E's pass C's
- chain23
- chain23
- C3eatsE's
- Large triangles are hard to pack
- Initial stages of one cell evolution
- Final stages of one cell evolution
Jose Manuel Gomez Soto