Next: Overview
Up: Rule 110 as it Relates
Previous: List of Figures
- Gliders
- nodes and links
- Eight generations
- Ninth generation left shift
- Ninth generation right shift
- by cycle and period
- Long periods up to cycle length 16.
- Evolution to zero
- evolution to constant 1
- widths
- A collisions
- B collisions
- A polymer collisions
- A polyad collisions
- A - D collisions
- A-En collisions
- An-EBar collisions
- nA-F collisions
- A-G collisions
- B - C collisions
- B dyad - C collisions
- B triad - C collisions
- nB - D collisions
- BBar5-C collision
- BBar5-En collision
- BBar8-C collision
- C - D collisions
- D - E collisions mostly cancel out into A's and B's. a noteworthy exception being the D2E1mid collision which cleanly produces a G glider via a freestanding intermediary T13. In this respect the evolution resembles the commonplace production of an EBar from a single T10.
- EBar-F collisions
Jose Manuel Gomez Soto