While it is rare that the housekeeping which can be performed under the
guise of a automaton ever reaches the full generality of the
Shannon canonical form, neither does it always have the permutational
simplicity represented by apzoc; boolean combinations of pairs of
planes, especially within CAM-A
or CAM-B
are especially common. The
trace option, in which plane 1 records all the cells in plane 0 which
were ever active, is a good example of the use of a plane .
Because the table layout of the CAM
favors half-CAM
s, and
because they involve fewer variables, it is feasible to define
functions such as booltab(r,,
whose arguments
are the coefficients in the two-variable
Shannon canonical form:
There are sixteen such functions altogether; their common
names (using capital letters for complements) are:
If there were somehow uniformly short names or abbreviations for all these functions, especially single character abbreviations, mnemonic rather than numerical arguments could have been used; as it is this table or something similar will probably enjoy frequent consultation by someone setting up the functions.