If a file of rules has been given the name LCAU31.RUL and resides in the currently active directory, the function key f1 will load and display it. In order for the process to work, the file must have been prepared in strict accordance with the specification, that each line contains one rule plus a comment.
The entire line consists of ASCII characters, which means that any editor can be used to prepare it; likewise that rules can be added, removed, or rearranged at will by the user.
The rule itself consists of exactly 27 characters chosen from the set
, followed by a space. The rule will not be
shown on the screen, but it will be copied into CHAR *TBL31,
which is the appropriate CAMEX
rule array, on request.
The comment following the rule will be displayed, and should be chosen carefully to give a good description of the rule. Due to certain inflexibilities of the loading format and display program, it should consist of exactly 32 characters, the first of which is not a blank. There is also a limit of 40 on the number of rules which the file should contain.