Next: Analysis of the
Up: Chaté-Manneville automata
Previous: Using these programs
The following are the keyboard options in the PROBKR programs
(for k=2 and r near 4); all such programs have a uniform menu at the
present time.
The screen is divided into six panels. The topmost identifies the
automaton and echoes the keyboard command. Immediately below it is the
E panel, which can show lines of evolution of the linear automaton.
Immediately below that is the large M panel, also screenwide, used for
showing the menu, parameter selection, and varied data. The bottom half
of the screen is divided into three panels, A, B, and C, in which
various graphs can be shown.
The layout is the same one shown in Figure 6.
Panel A generally holds two-dimensional graphs or histograms of cumulated
data; panel B often shows data as a function of the step number, panel C is
devoted to the return map and associated relationships.
- '+' - select white-cyan-magenta palette.
- '-' - select yellow-red-green palette,
- 'a' - shows a priori probabilities and other items in M panel.
- 'A' - multidimensional evolution shown via triple sections in panel A.
- 'b' - generates a random line with pl mils of ones.
- 'B' - Bn loads parameter pl with n (mils), whose default is 500.
- 'c' - cn shows 8 iterates of probability n (mils) in panel C.
- 'C' - Cn shows 100 iterates of probability n (mils) in panel B.
- 'd' - dn shows 100 iterates after a delay of 2500 in panel B.
- 'D' - Dn shows 100 iterates after a delay of 50000 in panel B.
- 'e' - displays 12 generations of evolution in panel E.
- 'E' - multidimensional evolution shown via plane sections in panel A.
- 'f' - generates a random rule with pr mils of ones.
- 'F' - Fn loads parameter pr with n (mils), whose default is 500.
- 'g' - shows 50 generations of evolution in red in panel C.
- 'G' - shows 200 generations of evolution in green in panel C.
- '.' - shows one generation of evolution is red in panel C.
- 'h' - graphs entropy versus probability in panel C.
- 'i' - shows once iterated mean field probability curve in panel C.
- 'j' - shows twice iterated mean field probability curve in panel C.
- 'J' - shows nfold iterated mean field probability curve in panel C.
- 'k' - shows thrice iterated mean field probability curve in panel C.
- 'l' - shows fourfold iterated mean field probability curve in panel C.
- 'L' - fit a parabola to 50 points of empirical return map.
- 'H' - interpolate a parabola to 3 points of empirical return map.
- 'm' - evaluates frequencies and pair frequencies for one generation.
- 'M' - frequencies and pair frequencies for several generations.
- 'n' - calculates neighborhood frequencies, displays in panel M.
- 'N' - calculates neighborhood frequencies, displays in panel M.
- 'o' - on defines randomness and connectivity in dimension 1.
- 'O' - On defines the dimension of the automaton.
- 'p' - displays the frequency of ones in each generation in panel B.
- 'P' - displays a histogram of frequencies of ones in panel A.
- 'r' - displays
generation return map in panel C.
- 'R' - displays
generation return map in panel C.
- 's' - similar to g but plots every third point.
- 'S' - similar to g but plots every third point.
- 'X' - set Bernstein modifier bx[bi] (in mils).
- 'I' - sets the index (i.e., bi) of the Bernstein Polynomial.
- 'x' - graphs the mean field theory curve in panel C.
- 'y' - shows second generation mean field probabilities in panel C.
- 'w' - shows third generation mean field probabilities in panel C.
- 't' - shows contours of two block selfconsistency in panel A.
- 'v' - generate some regular points in the cell array.
- 'V' - generate some other regular points in the cell array.
- '1' - histogram of iterated mean field probabilities in panel M.
- '2' - histogram of iterated two-block frequencies in panel M.
- '3' - histogram of iterated three-block frequencies in panel M.
- '4' - histogram of iterated four-block frequencies in panel M.
- '5' - histogram of iterated five-block frequencies in panel M.
- '6' - histogram of iterated six-block frequencies in panel M.
- '7' - histogram of iterated seven-block frequencies in panel M.
- '?' - display the option menu in panel M.
- '!' - display the parameter menu in panel M.
- 'z' - zn clears panel n.
- '/' - clears the whole screen.
- '*' - prints the Bernstein coefficients in panel M.
- '#' - # a b c f(a) f(b) f(c) interpolates a parabola to 3 points.
- '&' - &n graphs a combination of uniform and mean field curves.
- '$' - repeats &n at intervals of 0.1 from 0.0 t0 1.0.
- '%' - print differences in totalistic neighborhood frequencies.
- 'K' - shows a contour plot of neighborhood conformance to & curve.
- '@' - show mean field curve on Hiplot plotter.
- '^' - initialize the Hiplot plotter.
- 'Z' - dismiss the Hiplot plotter.
- MOD - moves the bernstein pointer down along right margin panel C.
- MOU - moves the bernstein pointer up along right margin panel C.
- MOR - increases corresponding Bernstein coefficient.
- MOL - decreases corresponding Bernstein coefficient.
- MOA - reduces Bernstein increment.
- MOB - increases Bernstein increment.
- MOX - resets all Bernstein parameters.
MOU and so on refer to mouse buttons, which are equivalent to keyboard
arrows, control arrows, and escape.
Next: Analysis of the
Up: Chaté-Manneville automata
Previous: Using these programs
Harold V. McIntosh