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Previous: Dirac equation
When the mass is small or even zero, the coefficient matrix of the Dirac equation is nearly a scalar multiple of the unit antisymmetric matrix
Accordingly solutions take the form seen in Equations (13) and (13). For the potential
the results for the interval
and accordingly
![$\displaystyle {\bf Z}(2\pi)$](img49.gif) |
= |
![$\displaystyle \left(\begin{array}{cc} \cos(2\pi E) & -\sin(2\pi E) \\
\sin (2\pi E) & \cos\ (2\pi E) \end{array} \right) {\bf Z}(0),$](img50.gif) |
(18) |
half of whose trace is
independently of the strength of the potential, and even of its form so long as it is periodic. This is evident in Figure 6 and even in the contour plot of Figure 7, whose apparent structure is more likely due to the precision of the computation than to the effects of mass, height, and energy.
Mass and energy may be separated in the Dirac equation by writing the coefficient matrix as M = A + B where
Factoring the solution into
and solving
![$\displaystyle \frac{d{\bf U}}{dx}$](img55.gif) |
= |
![$\displaystyle (V-E){\bf i}{\bf U}$](img56.gif) |
(19) |
to get the result already shown in Equation 18 (where the solution was called
), there remains the solution of the equation for
![$\displaystyle \frac{d{\bf V}}{dx}$](img58.gif) |
= |
![$\displaystyle {\bf U}^{-1}m_0{\bf j}{\bf U}{\bf V}$](img59.gif) |
(20) |
When m0 is small, it is approximately solved by the so-called first Born approximation
the second form being due to the anticommutation of the quaternion matrices.
Taking into account that
is a combination of
while the integral is a mixture of
changes in the dispersion relation due to a small mass will be of at least second order.
Figure 6:
A perspective view of the stability function for the relativistic Mathieu potential. Mass = 0.125, nearly negligible. Strength = 1.0. The energy varies from 0.0 to 3.5, the height of the potential form 0.0 to 1.5. Negative energies give the same results as positive energies. The mass causes a slight expansion of the interval
-1.0 - 1.0 occupied by the massless half trace, something visible in the change of coloring.
\put(0,-10){\epsfxsize=400pt \epsffile{m0view.eps}}
\end{figure}](img67.gif) |
Figure 7:
Stability contours for the relativistic Mathieu potential. There is essentially no variation with respect to the height of the potential, with results very close to those for a mass of exactly zero.
\put(0,0){\epsfxsize=400pt \epsffile{m0cont.eps}}
\end{figure}](img68.gif) |
Next: Mass comparable to height
Up: Periodic Potentials in One
Previous: Dirac equation