The copyright notice, which is only visible on startup, is displayed in a panel at the right side of the screen, the same area which is also used for the two help panels. One of them contains a terse list of the keyboard options available in the main menu, summoned by typing ?; the other explains the use of the function keys, summoned by !.
This style of describing all the options in two groups via the same two keys, is followed throughout all the submenus, mainly because screen space is insufficient to place them all together.
The text of this program identifier is shown in Figure , in
which the current version number is visible; a number which consists of
the date of issue, rather than the composite of version and revision
which is often seen attached to programs.
In point of fact, issues of copyright and possible patent issues have probably reached extremes which they may not merit. Programs of proven commercial value invite conflicts and abuses most likely to remain remote from programs written for scientific purposes or for individual entertainment; in any event ``intellectual property'' is supposed to be born with an inherent copyright which only needs to be registered if and when the need arises.
The shrink-wrap contract which accompanies Turbo-C compilers mentions that passing along a valid copyright notice is a condition for incorporating portions of the Turbo-C library in ones own executable programs; all in all, a fair request.
Most people who place programs in the ``public domain'' are not really doing so; it is one thing to condone limited copying and sharing of a program, but quite another to forsake the consequences of some future popularity, or of some later version having greater attractiveness and economic potential. Having adequate acknowledgement of the source, and the retention of commercial rights, are realistic expectations for an author of modest programs; in any event that is the case with CAMEX .
The source code for CAMEX contains more explicit historical information, including the dates of first creation of the modules and the dates of major revisions to each. Attention should be given to possible discrepancies arising from differences in the dates of a given copy of the program and of the instruction manual, since their revisions are likely to occur at different times and independently of one another.